Our Work on Migration
The area of migration has been at the core of a lot of the work carried out by The People for Change Foundation since its inception in 2007. Whilst we initially focused on asylum, we gradually expanded our remit to cover the whole spectrum of issues that come under migration including legal migration, migrant employment generally, asylum and the wellbeing of those seeking international protection, integration as well as human trafficking. In brief:
1. We promote a holistic and rights based approach to migration policies. This includes the requirement of policy coherence between various streams of policy and adherence to the standards established in international human rights law.
2. We seek to promote positive values, conceptions and principles in the context of the migration debate and policy development, including through the careful use of positive terminology. We believe that accurate information is critical to support a healthy debate on these issues.
3. We believe in evidence based policy development, the need for research to underpin policy and practice and the engagement of all stakeholders in collaborative efforts.
4. We view migrant communities as critical (albeit currently absent) members of the migration debate.
Aims and Objectives
Our aims and objectives in this area are:
1. The contribution, through research, advocacy and lobbying, to the development of law, policy and good practice which promote the respect of human rights and overall well‐being of all migrants in Malta.
2. The development and support of structures and processes that assist the enjoyment of all human rights by all migrants.
3. The generation of new thinking on the matter, with a focus on the promotion of positive images of all migrants, and raising awareness of the key issues
4. the promotion of a holistic, rights based approach to migration that acknowledges and respects the benefits of migration, avoids scaremongering and scapegoating
Projects and Initiatives
In the area of forced migration and asylum, our work has addressed issues of access to asylum, the integration and welfare of beneficiaries of protection as well as other aspects of the legal and policy framework. We have carried out research, participated in various discussions and fora, and prepared policy recommendations. We have also provided expert reports as well as support to various researchers and scholars working in the area. In so doing we have engaged with various organizations, local and international, governmental and non-governmental. We are members of the AWAS (Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers) NGO Forum and have engaged with various similar organizations abroad including the Italian Refugee Council and Swiss Refugee Council.
Some of our key projects in this area include:
1. The Media Coverage of Asylum Initiative
2. Research on the legal, policy and practice framework around the integration of asylum seekers
3. Recommendations for a Migrant Health Policy
4. Research on Preferred media of minorities
5. Entering the Territory: A Research Project on Protected Entry Mechanisms.
6. Writing of Expert Reports
7. Awareness raising and education on human rights issues with a focus on asylum.
8. The inclusion of the specific situation of asylum seekers in our analyses carried out within the broader area of migration.
Our on-going projects in this area include:
1. Support to researchers and scholars
2. The Malta Migration Scholars Network
3. The setting up of an online resource centre on migration and asylum
4. On-going engagement with development in law, policy and practice.
5. The development of a series of policy recommendations
We have also engaged with the issue of legal migration detailing the legal and policy framework in this regard including preparing content for the immigration portal of the European Commission. In this we engaged with a number of partners including the Migration Policy group. We are members of the Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts coordinated by the International Organization for Migration. We also participate on the European Integration Forum.
Some of the key outputs include:
1. Migration and the Labour Markets in the European Union – MALTA
2. Labour Market Integration Policies in the European Union – MALTA
3. VISA Policy as a Migration Channel for Malta
4. Entries on Malta on www.immigration.eu
We also engaged with the issue of human trafficking, acting as members of the national training team on human trafficking and the local partners of the European NGO Observatory on Trafficking, Exploitation and Slavery. We are currently members of the European NGO Platform Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Slavery coordinated by Associazione on the Road, La Strada and Anti-Slavery International amongst others. In 2012 we participated in the International Visitor Leadership Programme on Combatting Trafficking in Persons hosted by the United States Department of State. Through this, we have developed a wide network of partners on counter-trafficking who we hope to work with over the coming years.
The key outputs thus far are:
1. Entry on Malta in E-NOTES Report
2. Contribution to GRETA on its Mission to Malta
3. Research carried out for KOPIN on Population(s) Vulnerable to Child Trafficking in Malta.
In 2012, we launched the Malta Migration Scholars Network in collaboration with the Department of International Law at the University of Malta. The network aims to bring together scholars working on these issues in an informal setting to discuss their research and contribute to the furthering of the research agenda in this regard. For more information about the network click here.
Our Expertise
The People for Change Foundation has developed considerable expertise in the field of migration related issues. Its core staff have specialised in migration related affairs and conducted extensive research in the area. The Scholars’ Network also supports the work of the organization in the area whilst strategic partnerships are mobilized as needed. We are grateful to the support we receive from various sources in this regard. For a full breakdown of our expertise in the area, contact us on [email protected]