Supporting Research, Informing Change
The overall aim of this project is to promote evidence based policy making but supporting the development of the knowledge base around migration issues in Malta. The project includes a number of features:
- The setting up of the Malta Migration Scholars Network
- The preparation of a Manual for Researchers.
- On-going support for researchers carrying out research in Malta.
- The setting up of the Migration Research Resource Centre
- The launch of a working paper series.
Malta Migration Scholars' Network
The Malta Migration Scholars Network was formally launched in 2012 and is currently at its early stages of development. The network is co-convened by the People for Change Foundation and the Department of International Law at the University of Malta. Its objective is to act as a platform for academics across all disciplined working on migration-related issues in Malta. The aim is to provide a space for the sharing of information, analyses, relevant literature and ideas. It provides an informal yet constructive environment in which academics in the area may discuss their own and other research. To find out more about the network and to join click here.
Researching Migration and Asylum in Malta: A Guide
The idea behind the manual is to provide new researchers with a tool for maneuvering through the migration scene in Malta, having the basic knowledge and contacts in order to make the research more efficient. The manual provides information about Malta, the history of immigration in Malta, sources of data as well as contacts to organizations and individuals working in the field. It also provides tips to researchers on the practicalities of organizing and carrying out fieldwork in Malta. The manual is available by clicking here.
On-going Support
At The People for Change Foundation we appreciate that carrying out migration research comes with its troubles and challenges. As a follow on to the manual, The People for Change Foundation offers ongoing support to researchers, including the possibility of discussing ideas in an informal manner and discussing ways of overcoming some of the practical challenges faced by researchers. For more information get in touch by sending us an email on [email protected] or calling us on 00356 27780045
Migration Resource Centre
Over the longer term (by the first quarter of 2014) an online resource centre will be launched providing an online library of publications and resources dealing with migration related issues in Malta. These will include legislation, policy documents, academic sources as well as reports and comments by NGOs and IGOs including the various human rights treaty bodies. The centre will form part of the broader Malta Human Rights Library Project. (Forthcoming)
Working Paper Series
In December 2012 a working paper series was launched. The aim of the series is to provide an opportunity for the rapid dissemination of preliminary research results and other work in progress, reflecting Malta related migration research. The first working paper discussed some of the key findings of the Hirsi Judgment from a Maltese perspective. Download the first working paper here or by clicking below.