Pledge for Dignity and Against Racism - European Parliament Elections 2014
In March 2014, The People for Change Foundation encouraged candidates in the upcoming European Parliament election to endorse a pledge against racism, and to ensure that political discourse and actions during the campaign do not promote, instigate or condone racism and xenophobia.
The Pledge
We, the undersigned, candidates in the upcoming European Parliament elections;
- Mindful of national legislation combatting incitement of racial hatred and more broadly combatting racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination including Articles 32 and 45 of the Maltese Constitution,
- Recognizing the critical role played by political leaders in informing and shaping the national debate around migration and integration,
- Acknowledging the impact of social and political discourse on migration on the well-being and integration of ethnic and religious minorities in Malta including migrants and ethnic minorities living in Malta,
- Concerned by the intensified xenophobic and racist messages being noted recently in public discourse including on the internet;
- To send a consistent and clear message that we reject racism in all its guises
- To deal responsibly and fairly with sensitive topics relating to migrant groups and ethnic minorities, including asylum seekers and refugees; to safeguard their dignity and avoid their stigmatization.
- To adopt appropriate, accurate and sensitive language when referring to and discussing migration and migrant groups in order to avoid fuelling xenophobia, unfounded fear, crisis and moral panic.
- To condemn, and wherever possible stop, any materials or statements that intentionally or indirectly incite hatred or express prejudice on the grounds of race, colour, nationality or national origin, ethnic background, migrant and legal status or religious belief.
- To refrain from political alliance or association with any political party, or organization that incites ethnic prejudice and racial hatred.
Signatories of the Pledge
The pledge is being made available to MEP candidates from 13 March 2014, and the names of signatories will be added here on a regular basis.
Partit Nazzjonista
Partit Laburista
Alternattiva Demokratika
News and DevelopmentsMarch 18th 2014: We are very encouraged by the initial response to the call March 13th 2014: Campaign Launched, MEP Candidates contacted with an invitation to endorse the pledge against racism and xenophobia. |